How do I know if you are Russian

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The russians

How do i Know that you are bloody Russian

You know that you are Russian if............................................................( if you fall into 75% of these and u r not born RUSKI, u must be in love with a russian or married russian or live in russia for so long, otherwise, you will be russian next life)
1) Your last name is really long, and ususally end with --ski, --ska--, Vich--, noff, --Uk, ---Chenik,---oV....etc
2) you/your brother/dad/uncle 's 1st name must be one of Alex, Alexander, oleh, Dima, Dmitri, DMitrij, Dmitry, Vlad, Vladimir, Pavlo and so on in various form
3) you/ ur mum./sister etc has a name Maria, masha, elene, inna,lena,olga etc and so on but spell in different forms
4)u love shorten other ppl's name and put different spells regardless if they like it or not
5) u must be tall, with big bones even there is no muscle N no fat
6) you are doing one of Science, engeering. law and politics degree, u dont work hard but u got the degree effortlessly. coz u r smart and Ruski
7) no matter what u do, u wish u are in charge of politics, u r the chairman, u control the contry
8) u are saying " i hate communist, there is no freedom " but secretly u still think : damn it. i wish it is still soviet. cuz u can have everything effortlessly.
9) u are saying one thing means the other
10) u wish ur wife/ husband/ bf/gf is non-russian, but u still secretly wish " damn, betta he/she fluent in russian and understand russian culture even u dont//
11) u tell ppl that u speak russian very well... even u only can say "paka" (all russian knows what;s that!!!)
12) u will tell other ppl u r Russian even u r Ukrainian or Belrussian even Azbajans..... because u are afriaid that ppl dont know where Ukriane is ! or u still think u r from USSR --where is no longer exists
13) u r saying " i wish i am no longer live in RUssia and never come back" but when u live overseas for too long, u r saying "geee, i wish i were in RUssia"
14) u drink vodka.
15) u eat salty food
16) u eat pickle watermelon
17) u never hate beer
18) u eat black bread (ryn)
19) u are a heavy meat eater
20) u think u are smart
21) u have a relative lives outside russia/ USSR
22) u scared of black ppl b/ c there is no black in russia
23) u hate jewish.... esp the yiddish speakings live in russia. they live in USSR too long...kick them back to Isreal--in fact, who likes Jewish! NO one!
24) u dont like muslism esp they are chechens. they kill white russian....but Tatar is ok
25) u are saying u hate army but in fact u wanna have a go. they are so cool
26) u r good looking....
27)some of u are blond but if u r not. ppl may say" u dont look russian" and u say" all russians are different"
28) u ask others " do u speak russian " in english 1st before u try to speak russian
29) when u know sb is russian u still ask " r u russian"
30) next question will be " which part?"
31)they tell u a long name. u goes like: vey good! even u dont know where it is..... cuz russian is too big... 8 time zones
32) ur dad/ mum/ uncle or urself was a young poineers. wearing the red silk tie....
33)u love ur family and u think u guys are the best
34) if u are from moscow, ppl saying u r arrogant
35) if u are from smaller town, u are saying u hate big cities and they are freaky--maybe they are.... at least moscow is
36) u always ask other;s ethnic origin.......
37) u love vodka better than ur gf/bf
38) u like soccor/ swimming and ice skating
39) everywhere is hot for ya
40) u always ask how other ppl's life look like in other country. in fact u comapre what it is like in Russia
41) u are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn proud that u have US dollor in ur pocket, even it is only $5
42) if u are 2nd /3rd generation Australian / American russian. u dont know much russian but u still tell others" yeah of course i know russian" ...they only time u hear russian if when u break a glass and ur mummy yells to u!
43)u had at least one bf/ gf who is non--russian
44) if u r a guy, u always on time, and acturally 20 mins early. if u r a gal , u normally 15 mins late...called russian social time
45)russian guys always help ladies with door and clothes...... in fact russian man are world number one class....
46) russian woman wanna to marry a foreign guy esp American!
47) You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel>travel means any car ride longer than 15 minutes).
48.) You spit bones and other food scraps on the table.
49. )Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself.
50) u love looking at the mirror
51) u dont wear jean often esp u r a guy.... u r toooooooo chubby
52). You don't dry-clean clothes, even if they need to be dry-cleaned.
53)You iron your own shirts.
54) u always dress up............ u love jewllery if u r a lady
55) u wear black shirt, brown tie......pretty funny looking
56)u will laugh at this message and say" bullshit" but in fact...u look like so
57) you play at least a musical instrument, u love dancing...folk dance for sure....
58) u think ppl from Yogoslavia, Belgria, poland and all eastern country understand russian, cuz the languages are so similar...
59) u dont like Black.muslim and Jewish.... cuz i just dont know much about them
60) u think Asian esp Japanese are rich
61) u dont like Americans but u still wish u were sometimes.....
62) u didnt another lanaguage at school and get a bad mark, u are saying "ge....i am russian!' no excuse mate!
63) ur calender is differremt from the ENglish...cuz ur russian........
64) u r pretty formal than others
65) u dont consider that u r Europeans.... cuz u failed Geograph...Nah kidding..... u think u r russian of course...
66) u got drunk at least once and it is not due to Vodka.... and when u wake up u are saying" ge...... i am russian, i only drink Vodka"
67) u sleep with ur bf or gf long before u get married. u never worry about sex, cuz u had a lot, its a fav passtime
68) u mum has a tri-color russian wedding ring....
69) ur granny cook the best food..................
70) ur grandpa doesnt shave face.... in fact it is cool
71) even u r 2nd generation or 3rd generation...u consider yourself RUSSIAN
72)u/ ur brother/ consion/dad/grandpa/uncle has been to the army. u have a hero in red army/
73)u know who Lenie is and peter the great ...
74) u have a deep voice even u dont speak russian any more
75) You will laugh at this message and u will forward to ur russian friendsssssssssssssss

YOU ARE THE BEST! CUZ U R RUSKI>>>..............cheers with Vodka